Download Template Magazine News Responsive Keren Seo Friendly Terbaru
Berikut ini beberapa link Download Template Magazine News Responsive Keren SEO Friendly Terbaru.
Fast Mag - New Responsive Magazine News Blogger Template.
Template blog gaya majalah gosip terbaru 2015. SEO Friendly & User Friendly. Unik dan tampak profesional
Template Features:
Blogger, Minimalist, Responsive, 3 Columns Footer, Tabbed Widget Ready, Ads Ready, Video,Movie, Slideshow, Page Navigation Menu, Gallery, Drop Down Menu, Seo Ready, Magazine, Social Bookmark Ready, 1 Right Sidebar, 2 Columns, 1 Sidebar, Right Sidebar, White.
Download Optimag Responsive Magazine Blogger template
Spesifikasi & Fitur Template NovaNews
Download Magzima Responsive Magazine Blogger Template. Template Blog Majalah Berita Onlin RESPONSIVE. Gratis dengan kualitas premium
Link Demo & Download Magzima Responsive Magazine Blogger Template
KABAR baik bagi Anda, khususnya blogger berjulukan Nova. Premium Blogger Template (PBT) meluncurkan template blog magazine-news style terbaru bernama Nova News. Free, Gratis Download dan pakai!
NovaNews is a Responsive, 3 Columns Blogger Template for News Blogs. NovaNews Blogger Template has a jQuery Slider, Social Buttons, Post Share Buttons, 2 Drop-down Menus, 468x60 Header Banner, Related Posts, Breadcrumb, 3 Columns Footer, Left and Right Sidebars, Tabbed Widget and More Features.
Spesifikasi & Fitur Template NovaNews
- Template type : 2 Sidebar, 3 Column, 3 Column footer
- Adapted from WordPress
- Black
- Breadcrumb
- Elegant
- Featured Section
- Fixed width, Left Sidebar
- Responsive
- Fresh
- Header Banner
- Magazine
- Premium,
- Red, Related Posts,
- Right Sidebar, Slider,
- Tabbed widget,
- Top Navigation Bar,
- Web 2.0, White
Template ini "hanya" berubah warna dari jenis karakter dari template PBT lainnya. Silakan cek dulu skor SEOnya di Chkme, kecepatan loadingnya di GT Metrix, dan Struktur Datanya dan Webmaster Testing Tools sebelum dimodif dan digunakan.*
Altis - Template Blog SEO Responsive gaya Majalag (Magazine). Cocok untuk blog foto, galeri, toko online.
Altis ialah template untuk blogger, yang sangat responsif dan sangat cocok untuk website majalah berbasis dan sangat user-friendly. Altis ialah template blogger gratis terutama berfokus pada SEO.
Altis blogger responsif Template mempunyai Grid Slide di atas bab posting ditambah juga mempunyai horisontal dan sidebar widget iklan dari mana pengguna sanggup menempatkan iklan mereka pribadi dari bab tata letak blogger.
Ini ialah template blogger responsif yang olahraga Grid Top yang memperlihatkan desain tampilan dan nuansa dari kekayaan, itu sangat gampang untuk menyesuaikan dan Anda sanggup mengatur apa kategori posting yang Anda inginkan di Grid Top. Hal ini bebas biaya untuk menggunakan, meskipun versi premium juga tersedia.
Template ini sangat rapi dan higienis dengan desain jumlah tampan fitur yaitu: tampilan standar, Top Grid, posting terbaru di Homepage, kafetaria pencarian di atas, juga bab footer yang juga mempunyai widget yang juga sanggup diubahsuaikan sendiri.
Ini ialah blogger responsif template yang murni meskipun kami juga telah memasukkan versi download, namun versi tersebut mempunyai keterbatasan mereka juga, seperti:
1. yg tdk dpt dipindahkan Footer Links, seseorang tidak sanggup menghapus link footer kita alasannya ialah menghapus link footer akan mengarahkan website Anda ke website kami.
2. Sangat Kurang Kustomisasi dengan desain
3. Encrypted Kode
4. Tidak bisa menggunakannya dengan beberapa situs.
5. Tidak ada Dokumentasi Disediakan
Fitur template ini:
Free Template WordPlus for Blogger. SEO Friendly, Mobile Friendly, User Friendly, Google Friendly, Simple, Minimalis, Bersih, Keren deh! Lebih OK lagi, gratis!!!
WordPlus Blogger Template ialah blogger template premium. Desain Template Blogger ini sangat higienis dan elegan yang dirancang oleh Sebelum saya berikan untuk majalah Anda Berita blogger Template. Di hari ini saya sedang merancang dan mengubah Template blogger sederhana sehingga Ini sanggup membantu Anda dalam setiap langkah dalam gaya blogger. Sekarang waktunya untuk mengambil template ini untuk blog Anda. Coba Template gratis ini !
Wordplus Blogger Template is a premium blogger templates. This Blogger Template design is very clean and elegant designed by Before I have provided for you News magazine blogger Template . In these day I’m designing and converting simple blogger Template so that It may help you in every steps in blogger styles. Now the time is to grab this template for your blog. Try this Free template !
2. Extract Zip or unzip
3. Now you will find .XML file inside folder.
4. Install! (Lihat: Cara Ganti Template Blog)
Altis - Template Blog SEO Responsive gaya Majalag (Magazine). Cocok untuk blog foto, galeri, toko online.
Altis ialah template untuk blogger, yang sangat responsif dan sangat cocok untuk website majalah berbasis dan sangat user-friendly. Altis ialah template blogger gratis terutama berfokus pada SEO.
Altis blogger responsif Template mempunyai Grid Slide di atas bab posting ditambah juga mempunyai horisontal dan sidebar widget iklan dari mana pengguna sanggup menempatkan iklan mereka pribadi dari bab tata letak blogger.
Ini ialah template blogger responsif yang olahraga Grid Top yang memperlihatkan desain tampilan dan nuansa dari kekayaan, itu sangat gampang untuk menyesuaikan dan Anda sanggup mengatur apa kategori posting yang Anda inginkan di Grid Top. Hal ini bebas biaya untuk menggunakan, meskipun versi premium juga tersedia.
Template ini sangat rapi dan higienis dengan desain jumlah tampan fitur yaitu: tampilan standar, Top Grid, posting terbaru di Homepage, kafetaria pencarian di atas, juga bab footer yang juga mempunyai widget yang juga sanggup diubahsuaikan sendiri.
Ini ialah blogger responsif template yang murni meskipun kami juga telah memasukkan versi download, namun versi tersebut mempunyai keterbatasan mereka juga, seperti:
1. yg tdk dpt dipindahkan Footer Links, seseorang tidak sanggup menghapus link footer kita alasannya ialah menghapus link footer akan mengarahkan website Anda ke website kami.
2. Sangat Kurang Kustomisasi dengan desain
3. Encrypted Kode
4. Tidak bisa menggunakannya dengan beberapa situs.
5. Tidak ada Dokumentasi Disediakan
Fitur template ini:
- Termasuk Premium Penuh Dokumentasi manual
- Ini Desain blogger olahraga Template Sepenuhnya Responsif yang pada gilirannya memperlihatkan kemampuan untuk bekerja pada aneka macam jenis ukuran layar.
- Auto mengubah ukuran gambar thumbnail dengan teks meletakkan di sebelah kanan.
- Besar terkenal gambar ukuran thumbnail yang sanggup diubah sesuai kebutuhan.
- Ini template blogger responsif mempunyai fitur Komentar Threaded yang membantu untuk melacak akibat dari pengguna.
- Ini Sepenuhnya SEO Optimized, yang memperlihatkan kemampuan untuk menambahkan bidang Anda sendiri meta data ditetapkan untuk SEO.
- Ini ialah template blogger gratis yang mempunyai Desain Majalah ditambah juga mempunyai tata letak yang sangat sederhana.
- Label dipakai untuk Top Grid sangat gampang dipakai dan memahami dan setup juga itu diberikan dalam dokumentasi yang cara mengatur tempat atas tema akurat.
- Blogspot tema yang kompatibel dengan browser utama (IE8 +, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari)
- Ini template blogger responsif mempunyai baik rinci Profesional tata letak admin, membantu pekerjaan gampang dengan tata letak.
Altis - Responsive Magazine Blogger Template:
WordPlus Blogger Template ialah blogger template premium. Desain Template Blogger ini sangat higienis dan elegan yang dirancang oleh Sebelum saya berikan untuk majalah Anda Berita blogger Template. Di hari ini saya sedang merancang dan mengubah Template blogger sederhana sehingga Ini sanggup membantu Anda dalam setiap langkah dalam gaya blogger. Sekarang waktunya untuk mengambil template ini untuk blog Anda. Coba Template gratis ini !
Gak yummy ya bacanya? Itu terjemahan Google Translate. Aslinya begini:
Intinya sih... Template ini keren abis dah! Silakan download dan pake. Gratis!
Sayangnya, gak ada demonya nih. Gini aja: download, bikin blog baru, install aja template ini. Lihat tampilan livenya. Isi aja barang 7-10 posting, kemudian cek:
- Cek loading timenya di GT Metrix
- Cek skor SEO-nya di Chkme
- Cek juga struktur datanta di Webmaste Testing Tools
Ada yang kurang? Perbaiki! Lalu... pake deh di blog gres Anda atau di blog lama.
1. Download zip file2. Extract Zip or unzip
3. Now you will find .XML file inside folder.
4. Install! (Lihat: Cara Ganti Template Blog)
Untuk memunculkan Featured Posts, ganti label1 = “AMERICAS“;
dengan nama label posting yang mau ditampilkan di sana.
Lovely Template Editor's Choice award winning template. Blogholic Responsive Blogger Template: Simple, Responsif, Fokus Konten.
Design Features
Responsive design
Designed to provide optimal viewing experience across wide range of devices from Desktop to mobile phones
Good Typography
Blogholic template has beautiful Typography (font styles). Your website will look beautiful and readable
Custom web fonts
Blogholic template uses Web fonts like Google Fonts. Improve your website typography by using custom fonts
Customization Features
Template Designer
Blogholic template supports Blogger template designer to customize this template. You can easily customize Fonts, font colors using template designer. Template color scheme cannot be customized using this template
Widget Ready
Blogholic template comes with many widgetized area. Add your widgets easily using this template
Footer Widgets
Blogholic template comes with footer widgets. Use your footer area effectively for engaging your users
More Features
SEO Ready
Blogholic template is optimized for Search engines like Google. This template helps your website to rank higher in search engines
Ad Ready
Search box
Blogholic template has search box in it. Search box helps your user to find the content easily on your site
Widget Menu
This template has Widget menu. Meaning, you do not need to edit the HTML to set up navigation menu
No HTML changes
This template works out of the box without any HTML changes. Use this template if you are not comfortable in editing HTML
Pagination links helps users to navigate easily to your older posts. Users can click easy to use buttons to go to Page 2, Page 3 etc.,
Fixed Width
Cool and Unique Smash Magazine Blogger Template. Template blog keren dan unik gaya majalah. SEO Friendly, User Friendly, dan Ad Ready alias siap buat diisi iklan menyerupai Google Adsense. It's FREE download. Gratis!
Customization Features
Theme Type: Magazine, News style
Designer: Naveed Iqbal / theme-junkie
Theme: 3 More Color Schemas
Demo Download
Download Responsive Version
WordPlus blogger template is another new creation of 'theme-junkie' best suited for News, Magazines, and Blog websites. Bloggers who likes to make their posts more prominent on their blogs, so we designed a slider in such a way that emphasizes more on posts rather than just on blog color schemes.
3 Color Schemas : blue, black & green.
And replace with: Black: #444446 - Green: #79904A - Blue: #41A2CD
2nd Step: Search for color code : #B25710
And replace with: Black: #222222 - Green: #607848 - Blue: #29779B
3rd Step: Search for :
dengan nama label posting yang mau ditampilkan di sana.
Lovely Template Editor's Choice award winning template. Blogholic Responsive Blogger Template: Simple, Responsif, Fokus Konten.
Design Features
Responsive design
Designed to provide optimal viewing experience across wide range of devices from Desktop to mobile phones
Good Typography
Blogholic template has beautiful Typography (font styles). Your website will look beautiful and readable
Custom web fonts
Blogholic template uses Web fonts like Google Fonts. Improve your website typography by using custom fonts
Customization Features
Template Designer
Blogholic template supports Blogger template designer to customize this template. You can easily customize Fonts, font colors using template designer. Template color scheme cannot be customized using this template
Widget Ready
Blogholic template comes with many widgetized area. Add your widgets easily using this template
Footer Widgets
Blogholic template comes with footer widgets. Use your footer area effectively for engaging your users
More Features
SEO Ready
Blogholic template is optimized for Search engines like Google. This template helps your website to rank higher in search engines
Ad Ready
Use this template to show Banner advertisement or Google ads easily. Make money using your site
Search box
Blogholic template has search box in it. Search box helps your user to find the content easily on your site
Widget Menu
This template has Widget menu. Meaning, you do not need to edit the HTML to set up navigation menu
No HTML changes
This template works out of the box without any HTML changes. Use this template if you are not comfortable in editing HTML
Pagination links helps users to navigate easily to your older posts. Users can click easy to use buttons to go to Page 2, Page 3 etc.,
Fixed Width
Cool and Unique Smash Magazine Blogger Template. Template blog keren dan unik gaya majalah. SEO Friendly, User Friendly, dan Ad Ready alias siap buat diisi iklan menyerupai Google Adsense. It's FREE download. Gratis!
Customization Features
Navigation hidangan for this template is customizable in HTML. Edit the HTML to add your hidangan links
Navigation hidangan for this template is customizable in HTML. Edit the HTML to add your hidangan links
Widget Ready
Smash Magazine template comes with many widgetized area. Add your widgets easily using this template
Smash Magazine template comes with many widgetized area. Add your widgets easily using this template
Footer Widgets
Smash Magazine template comes with footer widgets. Use your footer area effectively for engaging your users
Smash Magazine template comes with footer widgets. Use your footer area effectively for engaging your users
More Features
SEO Ready
Smash Magazine template is optimized for Search engines like Google. This template helps your website to rank higher in search engines
SEO Ready
Smash Magazine template is optimized for Search engines like Google. This template helps your website to rank higher in search engines
Ad Ready
Use this template to show Banner advertisement or Google ads easily. Make money using your site
Use this template to show Banner advertisement or Google ads easily. Make money using your site
RSS Buttons
Smash Magazine template comes with RSS Buttons. Let your user follow you using your RSS feed
Smash Magazine template comes with RSS Buttons. Let your user follow you using your RSS feed
Social Buttons
This template comes with social buttons like facebook, twitter etc., Let your users share your content easily
This template comes with social buttons like facebook, twitter etc., Let your users share your content easily
Search box
Smash Magazine template has search box in it. Search box helps your user to find the content easily on your site
Smash Magazine template has search box in it. Search box helps your user to find the content easily on your site
WordPlus SEO Responsive Blogger Template
Template blog keren. Tidak hanya seo friendly, tapi juga responsif dan fast loading! Unik! Cocok buat blog pribadi profesional.Theme Type: Magazine, News style
Designer: Naveed Iqbal / theme-junkie
Theme: 3 More Color Schemas
Demo Download
Download Responsive Version
WordPlus blogger template is another new creation of 'theme-junkie' best suited for News, Magazines, and Blog websites. Bloggers who likes to make their posts more prominent on their blogs, so we designed a slider in such a way that emphasizes more on posts rather than just on blog color schemes.
Apart from this and all other typical navigation bars, wordplus template has new way of presenting it's child category items in unique and separate style. User can use Worplus theme in 3 More Color Schemes. Let us know what you think of this blogger template! We would love to hear your comments.
3 Pilihan Warna
3 Pilihan Warna
3 Color Schemas : blue, black & green.
Instructions to change theme color!
1st Step: Search for color code : #CD781EAnd replace with: Black: #444446 - Green: #79904A - Blue: #41A2CD
2nd Step: Search for color code : #B25710
And replace with: Black: #222222 - Green: #607848 - Blue: #29779B
3rd Step: Search for :
And replace with
WordPlus SEO Responsive Blogger Template
Blogger NewsPaper is a good template for magazine and news portal.It is also a nice and clean 3 column, White Blogger template in magazine style.
WordPlus SEO Responsive Blogger Template
NewsPaper - Blogger Template for Magazine and News Portal. Template blog SEO untik situs gosip atau majalah. Bersih!
1.Download the Template and open XML file using Editor like NotePad++.
2.Navigation bar(Edit in HTML section)The template has two column navigation system. To enter the exact url for navigation search for
<div id='topnav'> and change the link URL to match the url in your blog post. For the second column nav kafetaria search for <div id='catnav'> and do the same.
3.Advertisements(Edit in Add Element section)The Template has many banner ads with all available sizes.To add the banner ad find
Find ‘Sponsors’ and include Site-wide 120x600 Sidebar banner ads and 125x125 banner ads.Then find ‘Recent Articles’ and add the banner ad size 468×96.
4.Featured Post slideshow(Edit in HTML section)For Featured Slideshow you need to create the label exactly like this ‘Featured’ and post your featured posts in the Featured label section,it will be displayed automatically in Featured Articles section.
5.Category Thumbnail section,Video and Photo Gallery(Edit in HTML section)In home page I include four category sections to show the recent posts of the each labels.To Assign your desired label for those sections find ‘category sections’ and assign your desired category title and label.
6.Subscribe Widget(Edit in HTML section)Find <p class='email-form'> then replace the ‘welcometospicytricks’ with your feedburner url.
2.Navigation bar(Edit in HTML section)The template has two column navigation system. To enter the exact url for navigation search for
<div id='topnav'> and change the link URL to match the url in your blog post. For the second column nav kafetaria search for <div id='catnav'> and do the same.
3.Advertisements(Edit in Add Element section)The Template has many banner ads with all available sizes.To add the banner ad find
Find ‘Sponsors’ and include Site-wide 120x600 Sidebar banner ads and 125x125 banner ads.Then find ‘Recent Articles’ and add the banner ad size 468×96.
4.Featured Post slideshow(Edit in HTML section)For Featured Slideshow you need to create the label exactly like this ‘Featured’ and post your featured posts in the Featured label section,it will be displayed automatically in Featured Articles section.
5.Category Thumbnail section,Video and Photo Gallery(Edit in HTML section)In home page I include four category sections to show the recent posts of the each labels.To Assign your desired label for those sections find ‘category sections’ and assign your desired category title and label.
6.Subscribe Widget(Edit in HTML section)Find <p class='email-form'> then replace the ‘welcometospicytricks’ with your feedburner url.
NewsPaper - Blogger Template for Magazine and News Portal